Children's Hospital Colorado

Addressing Asthma and Respiratory Health

Dr. Robin Deterding, of the Breathing Institute at Children's Hospital Colorado, listens to a kid's lungs with a stethoscope.

Why asthma and respiratory health matters

Nationally, asthma, bronchiolitis and other respiratory illnesses are a leading cause of children’s hospitalizations and missed school and work days with an estimated cost of $56 billion annually. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 6.5% of children in the United States under the age of 18 had a diagnosis of asthma in 2021. According to our 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment, 8.2% of children in Colorado have been diagnosed with asthma. In 2015, asthma and bronchiolitis were two of the most common causes of emergency department visits at Children’s Hospital Colorado, with 1351 admissions related to bronchiolitis and 651 admissions related to asthma at our facilities.

Let's support respiratory health together

Learn what we're doing to address asthma and respiratory health needs and how you can get involved.