Children's Hospital Colorado

EVALI Clinical Pathway

Children’s Hospital Colorado’s respiratory distress with history of e-cigarette use/vaping and e-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI) clinical pathway provides guidance on identification and treatment of patients with suspected e-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury.

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EVALI Clinical Pathway

About our EVALI clinical pathway

While EVALI cases in children and adolescents have been rare, the contribution of e-cigarette or vaping use to respiratory illness is under-recognized. The purpose of this clinical pathway is to:

  • Facilitate recognition of suspected EVALI by improving documentation of e-cigarette and vaping history among patients 11 years and older and connect that history to respiratory distress and/or respiratory failure diagnoses
  • Provide steps to standardize EVALI treatment and care of these patients, starting with early pulmonary consult

Without proper diagnosis and treatment, EVALI can be severe and potentially fatal in young adults. The development of this clinical pathway was based on evidence published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kalininskiy, et al.